Build a More Just Future for the Youth of Richmond

Build a More Just Future for the Youth of Richmond image




The Hive is a model for youth-centered, youth-led community development.

The Hive is a thriving community, ultimately helping young people successfully transition into adulthood.

The Hive believes in human generosity that is grounded in racial, economic, and social justice.

It takes a village as we all know. In that village, we need individual generosity--locally, statewide, and nationally--to build and sustain this ecosystem we are creating. We can be a generation of abundance. Will you join this place?

All of our donors are pollinators, important to the health of our ecosystem. We're also looking for some honeybees, sustaining donors who can give an automatic, recurring donation. Please consider a weekly, monthly, or quarterly gift.

All of your generosity is felt and shared!


Ubuntu: "I am because we are." We value our ancestors and pathmakers of the past and present while nurturing our young. We understand that the health of the individual is related to the health of the community.

Sawabona: “I see you.” We see YOU. We value people in all different aspects of the human experience.

Healing: We center the process of healing on our journey for liberation.

Collective Liberation: We nurture a holistic path and create tools and resources to set ourselves free.

Truth: We value the truth of all lived experiences.

Legacy: We value long-lasting, transformative change instead of restoring and sustaining inequitable, unjust systems that were not made to support the people most affected.

Integrity: We do what we say we are going to do. We uphold all of our values, at all times, and stand firm in doing what’s right. Period.


The Hive helps young people and emerging adults successfully transition into adulthood.

We are a community-based solution seeking to transition our reliance away from the parts of the legal and child welfare systems that have been proven ineffective, replacing them with holistic systems of care and support strengthened by an ecosystem of partners.

We want to ensure young people stay out of the legal system and, ultimately, we want to end practices that further replicate harm, like incarceration, over-policing, and family separation.


We believe in a world where care, support, and healing replace criminalization, incarceration, and violence.

We are a Black-led, intergenerational, and multi-racial community that believes in a world where all young people feel like they belong and have the resources they need to become independent, healthy, and thriving adults.

We believe that tangible investments in the diverse needs of young people can reverse the intergenerational trauma caused by systemic racism and solve our community's most pressing issues.


The Hive is a registered 501c3. Your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. No goods and services were exchanged for this gift.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Trey Hartt, Cofounder and Managing Director, at